It's not as odd as it sounds...

Prayer happens everywhere, even in the tanning bed.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Candy Kisses

I just ate half a bag of candy kisses. Why? I am not sure. Today was a pretty yucky day. There are more descriptive words for today's events but at the risk of offending some of you I will stick with yucky - you put in whatever word you'd prefer. For the 2nd time in as many weeks I have successfully laundered a brand new pink item with a whole load of whites. I can only tell you the reality of the situation is exactly the same as the one you are imagining. Yes, I've bleached, I've "Carbona'd", I've washed again. NO LUCK. Once again, a whole load of clothes will have to be thrown away.

I should be happy about dinner though, after all, I had a salad with a decent meal for the whole family. But alas, it's not a happy thought because it was the first dinner in weeks that I've had a veggie at.

A worse than yucky thing happened today to a friend of mine. It's something that will forever change her life regardless of how it's resolved. I'm very sad for her.

So, somehow, I think these kisses are going to help. They aren't even real kisses which would be nice but Michael isn't home to give those to me. I am not sure why I think chocolate will help me feel better... but it doesn't.

What makes me feel better is when my kids don't judge my mothering based on the lack of veggies I have on the table (actually that may win me points with them). What makes me feel better is that I can buy new socks to replace the ones I've ruined (and maybe a few new shirts for Josh- sorry buddy). What makes me feel better is that this friend knows Jesus. It won't make her feel better, not right away, but when the reality of WHO she can always count on sinks in she will derive some rest from that. His promises will rush to her head, and to her heart and her dearest friends will be Jesus to her. He and only He can heal her circumstances. I pray that she lets Him.

What makes me feel better is to realize that MY day wasn't really as yucky as I thought it was, the things that made me feel defeated in my role as wife, mother, and homemaker are only drops in the ocean of life and to be honest, I bet God doesn't care one bit whether my whites turned pink or that the Caesar salad I made tonight was the only green my kids have seen at dinner in weeks. There are more important issues right now -one being to pray diligently for my friend. And to make sure I myself have enough Jesus in me to be Him to her when she needs me.

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