It's not as odd as it sounds...

Prayer happens everywhere, even in the tanning bed.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How this began...

I love the tanning bed. I know, some of you, maybe most of you are cringing now. It's not that I want to be a dark tan, I just like a little color. But I have found that for many years, there's something that brings me closer to God when I am laying in that machine, alone, warming. It's quiet, there's no chance (at least I hope not) of anyone coming in and interrupting me, my eyes are closed so there is nothing to distract me. I am enclosed in a case of bulbs so there is nothing to feel guilty about not attending to. I am just there - me and God - what a wonderful place to be. I'm only there for 10 min. PROMISE. I just can't help feeling like there's something more... after all, it's like His warmth is enveloping me and it's just us, all alone, there in that tanning bed. So I pray, and pray, and before I know it I am in an almost audible conversation. (thank goodness for the low hum of the machine, who knows what someone would think on the other side of the door).So, to those of you who encouraged me to start this. I hope I've not let you down from the start. To those of you who are rolling your eyes because "who needs yet another blog?" I'm not blaming you at all.

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These are just some thoughts from my heart. There's nothing gained by comments that aren't encouraging or edifying. It's not that I don't want you to share your thoughts but think through what you want to say before you say it. If it wouldn't encourage or entertain you, then it won't us either... If it will, then by all means, we want to read it!